Product information brochure


FTC150 Operating Manual


FTC320 Operating Manual


FTC320-OEM Operating Manual


FTC320 EX Operating Manual


FTC400 Operating Manual


SetApp 3 Software

Software to interface with FTC150, FTC320 or FTC400 devices. With SetApp 3 you can display gas concentrations in a time plot,
log data and configure instrument parameters.

Requires a PC running Microsoft Windows (tested on Windows 10 & 11) and a connection to the analyser’s RS232 serial port.

SetApp 3 cannot be used with FTC300 or FTC130. To connect to these models please use SetApp 2 instead (see below)


SetApp 3 Manual

Program for communication with the 320 series devices


Manual on Serial and Modbus-RTU Communication with FTC150, FTC320 and FTC400

Detailed description of the digital communication protocols via the RS232, TTL and RS485-Modbus RTU interfaces.

Applies to devices manufactured after January 2024.

If your device uses an older Firmware version <2.000 (see device’s manufacturing protocol), please refer to the archive section below,
where you’ll find the according manual for older Firmware versions.


Manuals & Software for Legacy Products / older product versions