Applikationen mit Messkonzept GmbH Gasmessgeräten


Service / Measuring Task Measuring Component Measuring range Carrier Gas Composition Industry
Hydrogen as an impurity H2 0-0,5Vol.% Ar, N2, O2 Chemical Industry
Impurities in Hydrogen (ring lines) H2 99-100Vol.% N2, O2, HC, Air, SIH4 Air Separation, Base Chemical, Chemical Industry
Input to Argon refining process H2 Ar Air Separation, Base Chemical, Chemical Industry, Gas Production and Mixing
Hydrogen production via electrolysis H2 O2 Base Chemical, Chemical Industry
Annealing furnace H2, N2 blanketing for colored oxide prevention H2 N2, ppm O2 Metals Processing and Refining
Blast furnace pig iron production “top gas” hot reducing atmosphere H2 0-20Vol.% N2, CO, CO2, H2Ov Metals Processing and Refining
Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) top blown furnace oxidation of carbon in molten pig iron using high purity O2 and flux H2 0-10Vol.% N2, O2, H2Ov, H2, O2, CO, CO2, flue gas Metals Processing and Refining
Direct reduced iron in steel plants H2 Metals Processing and Refining
Heat Treating H2, N2 blanketing for hardness H2 0-5Vol.% ; 10Vol.%; 20Vol.% N2, ppm O2 Metals Processing and Refining
Shielding Gas H2 Air, N2 Metals Processing and Refining, Sintering
Shielding Gas Ar Air, N2 Metals Processing and Refining, Sintering
Shielding Gas CO2 Air, N2 Metals Processing and Refining, Sintering
Turbo generator, monitoring of removal and filling of H2 to prevent Ex-atmosphere H2 0-100Vol.% CO2 or Ar Power Plants, Turbo Generator
Turbo generator, monitoring of removal and filling of H2 to prevent Ex-atmosphere Air 0-100Vol.% CO2 or Ar Power Plants, Turbo Generator
Turbo generator, operation, to assure optimum efficiency H2 90-100Vol.% Air Power Plants, Turbo Generator
Turbo generator, cooling gas control over expensive purge gases, minimize maintenance downtime, troubleshooting contamination problems H2 90-100Vol.% Air Power Plants, Turbo Generator
Turbo generator, alert to any upset air contamination of H2 cooling gas to avoid potential for explosion H2 Air Power Plants, Turbo Generator
Nuclear power, monitoring deuterium (D2) in air D2 0-5Vol.% D2, Air Nuclear Power, Power Plants
Nuclear power plant, vacuum drag recombiner after condensor H2 0-5Vol.% N2, O2 Nuclear Power, Power Plants
Nuclear powerplant, propagation analysis of hydrogen in order to avoid an ignitable atmosphere H2 0-20Vol.% Air Nuclear Power, Power Plants
Methanisation, Methan formation with hydrogenated Carbondioxide CH4, H2, CO2 Air Power to Gas, Renewable Energy
Liquified natural gas production overhead top outlet H2 0-3Vol.%; 0-6Vol.% N2, СO2, ppm H2S Natural Gas Production
Determination of the calorific value of the natural gas CH4, HC, CO2 Natural Gas Natural Gas Production
Determination of the hydrogen content in natural gas H2 Natural Gas Natural Gas Production
Acetone, phenol, cumene production H2 50-100Vol.% N2, CH4 Petrochemical
Acetic acid combiner/promoter off gas H2 0-30Vol.% N2, CO, CO2 Petrochemical
Fertilizer production methanator and Ammonia(NH3)converter outlet H2 50-100Vol.% N2, CH4, NH3, Ar Petrochemical
Ammonia (NH3) production H2 NH2, Air Base Chemical
Toluene production H2 purity feed H2 90-100Vol.% СН4 , NH3/H2 ratio Petrochemical
Toluene production H2 in off gas H2 50-100Vol.% N2, CH4 Petrochemical
Isocyanate production H2 in feed gas H2 0-1Vol% CO Petrochemical
Aromatics product separator, recycle gas H2 50-100% CH4, HCs Petrochemical
Aromatics lift gas line, N2 header and Surge hopper HC, H2 0-15Vol.% 0-1Vol.% НС Petrochemical
Caprolactam production H2 purity H2 70-100Vol.% N2, ppm NH3, ppm CO Petrochemical
Caprolactam production feed and off gas H2 40-100% N2, NO, N2O Petrochemical
Hydrogen production, steam reforming, hydrogen content H2 CO2, CO, CH4 Petrochemical
Hydrogen production, Pressure swing adsorption, inpurities H2 CO2, CO, CH4 Base Chemical, Petrochemical
Hydrocracker unit recycle gas compressor H2 50-100Vol.% Hydrocarbons Petrochemical, Refinery
Hydrocracker make-up gas H2 50-100Vol.% Hydrocarbons Petrochemical, Refinery
Hydrocracker downstream collection Point H2 50-100Vol.% Hydrocarbons Petrochemical, Refinery
Tail gas recycle gas compressor discharge H2 70-100Vol% СН4, H2S ppm HCs Petrochemical, Refinery
Menthanol / MTBE production purge gas to reformer H2 70-100Vol% СН4, СН3ОН Petrochemical, Refinery
Menthanol / MTBE production purge gas to reformer H2 СН4, СO2, СО, N2 Petrochemical, Refinery
Landfill bio-gas emissions Air Emmision Control
Bio-gas plant H2, CH4, CO2 Air Renewable Energy
Determination of the calorific value of the biogas CH4, H2, CO2 Air Renewable Energy
Biogas refinement CH4, H2, CO2 Air Renewable Energy
Electrolysis H2 O2, Air Power to Gas, Renewable Energy
H2 in engine exhaust, development and test of catalysts H2 0-5 Vol.% CO: 0-1Vol.%CO2: 8-16Vol.%NO: 50-2000 ppmNO2: 0-200 ppmCH4: 0-200 ppmO2: 0-5Vol.%H2O: 0-15Vol.%N2: Rest up to 100Vol.% Automotive Industry
Fuel cells, development and test H2 0-100Vol.% N2, CO2 Automotive Industry
Dispersion of gas in car body He 0-10Vol.% Air Automotive Industry
Analysis of quenching gas spread in the locomotive R 125 (C2HF5) Air Safety Analysis
Analysis of spread of hydrogen in plants and buildings He 0-100Vol.% N2 Safety Analysis
Plants and buildings, propagation analysis of hydrogen in order to avoid an ignitable atmosphere H2 0-20Vol.% Air Safety Analysis
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity Ar Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity N2 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity He Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity H2 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity Xe Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
Incoming goods inspection, Identification and quality of delieverted gases, Quality insurance Impurity Ne Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Gas Supply
SF6 for discharge arc protection (GIS, Gas Insulated Switcher SF6 0-100Vol% SO2, SO2F2, HF, N2, Air, moisture Electrical Industry
Soldering processes, Monitoring of Forming gas H2 N2 Electrical Industry
Filling gas monitoring in airships (Zeppelin) He, Humidity 95-100% Air and Humidity Aviation
Flat glass production, Monitoring of Forming gas H2 0-10Vol.% N2 Glass Production
Bioprocesses, Monitoring of Forming gas H2 0-5Vol.% N2, CH4, CO2 Bio Science
Monitoring of gas mixing plants Food and Beverage, Industrial Gas Supply, Medical Technology
Monitoring of process gas in Semiconductor Industry H2 0-8Vol.% Ar Semiconductor Industry
Nitrous oxide anesthetic dosage N2O N2O N2 Life Sciences & Medical Applications
H2 in metal samples (elemental analysis) H2
Removal of exces hydrogen, Monitoring the expulsion of H2 from metal melts H2 N2 Metals Processing and Refining
Direct methanol fuel cells DFMC H2, CO2 H2O, N2 Automotive, Power Genaration, Renewable Energy
Fuel cells H2 O2, N2 Automotive, Power Genaration, Renewable Energy

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