This code of conduct outlines the principles of Messkonzept GmbH concerning the management of the company and the requirements for suppliers of goods and services with regard to their responsibility towards others and the environment.
Hereby the supplier declares to act according to the following principles:
- To adhere to the laws of the applicable legal system.
- To not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery and not get involved in this in any way including any illegal payment offers or similar benefits intended to influence decision-making.
- To observe the basic rights of employees in particular:
- To promote the equal opportunities and equal treatment of your employees irrespective of their appearance, nationality, social origin, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, sex or age.
- To respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual.
- To not employ anyone against their will or force anyone to work.
- To not tolerate unacceptable treatment of employees such as psychological cruelty, sexual or personal harassment or discrimination.
- To not tolerate conduct or statements including gestures, language or written and physical contact which is of a molesting nature, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
- To ensure fair payment and not fall below the national legal minimum wage.
- To keep to the maximum working hours of the respective country.
- Recognise freedom of association of employees in so far as this is envisaged in the respective legal system and to not give preference to or discriminate against any members of workers’ organisations.
- To not employ anyone under the minimum age of 15. In countries in which an exemption exists for developing countries in the ILO Convention 138, the minimum wage may be reduced to 14 years.
- To assume responsibility for the health and safety of your employees, reduce risks and ensure maximum preventative measures against accidents and occupational illness; develop appropriate occupational safety management and train employees accordingly.
- To observe environmental protection with regard to legal norms and international standards, minimise environmental burden and continuously improve environmental protection by means of an appropriate environmental management system.
- To promote adherence of the code of conduct with your suppliers and adhere to the principles of non-discrimination in the choice of supplier and in dealings with suppliers.
- To take appropriate measures to prevent the use of raw materials which directly or indirectly finance the violation of human rights.